Any business owner has the innate responsibility to grade his employees. This is the only way for you to streamline all processes involved and to establish stronger ties with your employees. For one, almost any kind of organisation undoubtedly wants to have employees that know completely know their individual roles. Performance evaluation is one good way to ensure this way, your employees would also be able to know for certain whether they’re fulfilling their tasks optimally or not.
AssessTEAM has a lot of tools for you to be able to achieve this The app provides separate overviews for the performance of specific employees, the performance of the entire project, and company performance as a whole. The employees need only to sign up in the app to start receiving these evaluations over time.
His specific performance score would be readily known to him every time he logs in His current job description as well as the area in the organisation would be displayed as well Speaking of jobs, the app actually allows managers to create lists of job responsibilities, all of which are sourced from the app’s built-in library. You may even make customised lists to suit your needs.
Where the app really shines the most, though, is in the detailed way in which it allows evaluation for every area in an employee’s respective job within the organisation. Is your employee, for instance, compliant with testing processes? How does he perform when it comes to his speciality? All of the grades in these areas would be revealed to him, arranged in years.
To gain a good reference of improvements and declines, he may readily access every year to view each score. His overall score would be displayed in the main profile section. In the said page are tabs like My performance, waiting evaluations, and timesheets. All of these serve as sufficient windows into how you’re currently performing in your assigned job responsibility.
The app’s grading system is numerical, with 10 being the highest score an employee can receive. In the Performance Summary section, you’ll be presented with a bar graph of how you’re performing every month. You can expect to see dips and dramatic rises here, depending on how your performance was evaluated. As for management features, evaluation actually consists of availing of the app’s built-in evaluation programs. There are numerous ways in which you can conduct them. They range from scheduled appraisals, 360-degree evaluations, evaluation based on client satisfaction, or continuous feedback to name a few. You may choose the one that you deem fit for your organisation.
As said above, employers would have complete freedom in creating, organising, and assigning projects and job responsibilities to their employee. That being said, the app even goes further by including a project profitability analysis feature. With it, you’ll be able to know exactly the profitability of your project in over time You can sync it with the projects that you create within the app so you’ll easily pinpoint the ones that have the highest potential in terms of profitability.
The streamlined and highly organised way in which AssessTEAM is able to deliver timely evaluation of employees. The level of freedom it gives as a coordinator and manager of your organisation is without equal, to say the least, especially if you’re to consider the helpful way in which you can assign team managers, project managers, etc.
This employee evolution app’s proactive approach of making profitability analysis available to you is also worth commending. That the app was built with the help of actual HR professionals is an obvious evidence of how efficient and powerful it is as an invaluable tool for employees and employers alike.
Learn more at https://www.assessteam.com
Price: Free
Features of the App
Ease of Use
User Interface
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