If you have saved the business card of a particular business, yet a good amount of time has already since you did so, your first instinct probably is to wonder whether the information is still accurate, right? Practically the same problem is faced by business owners, who have to go through the lengths of printing business cards consistently just to keep their information updated and available to prospective clients.
LinkCard essentially remedies both problems by serving as a platform through which casual user and business owner alike can store and manage their digital business cards. Take note that a LinkCard is made up of QR codes, which are generated and given to the user upon signing up. These LinkCards can be scanned and stored by other users, as long as they are visible in a computer, tablet or smartphone screen. You can add all of your business details in a LinkCard and update it as often as you like.
The LinkCards are also not stored in your smartphone only but also in your account, so you need only to login to your LinkCard account to recover all the cards that you have saved. The LinkCard app also has the capability to scan any QR code, even if it’s not by LinkCard; although, it’s not possible for you to save them.
The app’s entire features are available to registered users for free, with a maximum of 15 storable cards. However, this limit can be lifted by requesting for additional card slots or by upgrading to LK-PREMIUM by making a one-time payment of CHF9.99, giving you unlimited card storage slots.
From these facts, it becomes obvious that the most defining features of LinkCard are, one, it has become a helpful way for people to conveniently store regularly updated business cards for easy reference and, two, it can aid business owners in promoting and maintaining their business.
A restaurant owner, for instance, could instantly make his menu for the day known to people who have stored his card just by updating this information through LinkCard. There’s no need to scan the QR code again. The changes will immediately reflect on the saved card in their smartphones and LinkCard’s Cloud, sparing them the need to go to the restaurant just to learn this bit of information. It’s basically like having your business with your clients anytime and anywhere, all at no cost!
It is also an app that, as of this writing, is still in its early stages and shows a lot of promise, because its developers have stated that they still have a lot of features to add it. One of this is the ability to allow people to customize their LinkCard to make it look more visually appealing. Already possessing such truly innovative features yet promising more, LinkCard is definitely one app to watch for.
Price: Free
Rating: 4.5/5
One Response to “LinkCard: Easily Store and Update Your Business Cards Anywhere Through Your Mobile Device”
July 29, 2015
BODOExcellent review!