There’s no denying the fact that the Internet has brought about revolutionary changes in the way we communicate; however, as with most game-changing innovations, it’s still prone to a lot of security issues. The privacy of our online correspondence is one such major factor that is constantly being besieged by individuals and groups who wish to not only compromise your privacy, but also steal valuable information that you may impart in your conversations in email, phone calls, or text messages. It’s for this reason that encryption apps like Pryvate Now are becoming all the more necessary.
This award-winning app for the iOS boasts of using nothing less than military—grade technology when encrypting your messages. It’s basically an all-in-one platform where you can always be certain that any online communication you do would always have its much—needed confidentiality. The app offers a 30-day trial (it offers a monthly and yearly subscription afterwards) and can be directly connected to your phone’s contacts list. Once you gain access to the app, you are now able to send encrypted phone calls, text messages and emails to anyone.
Take note, though, that any encrypted correspondence that you make using Pryvate Now requires the receiver to use the app as well. For instance, if you sent an encrypted email to your colleague, he has to install and login to Pryvate Now as well in order to decrypt and read the said email. Once you’ve added him as a friend, you can now freely chat, call, or email him inside the clandestine sphere that this app offers. And, you will always be made aware whether he’s online or not because of the app’s built-in online status indicator. Equally better is the ability to be able to delete your messages, chat history, and call history anytime you want within the app. Having your contact use the app as well may be a minor hassle, but would you settle for anything less if privacy is of the utmost importance to you?
Pryvate Now is made entirely unique and original by its main feature, which is the ability to communicate in various modern online methods (email, chat, sms, or call) in secret. Most encryption apps only ever focus on one of these forms of communication, and Pryvate Now is one of the first (if not the first) to offer them all in a single app. With that said, this is certainly one app to get if you are very sensitive when it comes to your online privacy.
Price: Free
Features of the App
Ease of Use
User Interface
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