Following personal expenses throughout everyday events and occasions is often really difficult. Instead of being in control, the money seems to constantly slip in and out of a banking account, while a person pays for a multitude of goods and services during the course of any given day of the week. The same process often ends up frustrating people, who wonder why they cannot gain more control of their finances, especially in the case of professionals that use a company credit card. Now, with the app called Trippeo, every individual expense can be tracked and measured to the most miniscule detail. Using it, tracking the flow of money can also be enhanced with detailed reports which are also produced by this versatile app.
The app was designed by Trippeo Technologies for the Apple devices, so it can be downloaded on the iTunes market. The app is compatible with the iPhone, the iPad and the iPod touch while the same company also offers the app for the Apple Watch device. The one requirement for all these is that they operate using iOS 8.0 or a later version. The Trippeo basic concept is to become the user’s personal expense tracking application with which it is possible to track the flow of money, but also to be reimbursed for business expenses in a really effective manner.
The app achieves this by syncing with the calendar app and the user’s credit card, which creates a potent combination on any iPhone. This is especially useful for any business users who can, using the app, send an expense report, which can then be reimbursed in a matter of fewer than 24 hours. But, at the same time, the app also comes with a desktop application that can be installed on a desktop or a laptop configuration. Using it, any administrator following the same business expenses can react in a faster manner while every report also provides a huge insight in the way the individual user spend the company’s money.
Trippeo also provides additional benefits in the form of diverse features. The feature of integration means that syncing the credit card or a bank account can be automatically updated right on an iPhone, but at the same time, this combination is not mandatory. In other words, the app can be easily set up and used without the need to combine it with a credit card. The app features automatic categorization and recognition of vendors and service providers by using Google maps. These two features allow for an easier use of the app. Finally, the app can be used to take photos of physical receipts and there is also a feature of tracking the user’s mileage.
The thing which separates this app from its competitors is its ability to cater to any type of business user. With tracking of every kind of expense, including physical receipts, the app can take care of the end user, but also provides a crucial insight for the company about the ways its money is spent. All of this makes the app practically ideal for the business users.
As a powerful interconnectivity financial tool, this app provides a very stable solution for expense tracking. Because of this, Trippeo is able to outdo even a lot bigger software packages when it comes to its usability and the value of the data it produces.
Rating: 4.5/5
Price: Free
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