Presenting itself as the pioneer of voice-controlled music sequencers, Hum a Hit is practically an app that a lot of present-day musicians and composers should certainly give a try. After all, it underscores convenience with not only its definitive voice control features but also its high mobility. Part of the reasoning behind its focus on mobility hinges on the fact that musicians are essentially artists. And, artists need to be consistently on the move to look for inspiration.
A place or a single, passing thought might be where your Muse has been hiding all along, but what if you’re nowhere near your recording tools to quickly save it before you forget it altogether? It is during these times that Hum a Hit would definitely shine, for it serves as a platform from which you can record your musical inspirations by humming them.
How exactly does the app aid you in doing this? Well, for one, it readily converts the tune you hummed into various instrument sounds. From different kinds of guitars and synthesizers to piano and microphones, any melody you record would immediately be rendered into the instrument sound of your choosing.
You can get back at them anytime using the app’s equally innovative sequencer, which allows multitrack editing. This means that you can combine numerous instrument recordings as you work on the music that you want to create. Other features include a metronome (for easy shifting of tempos), full volume control, besides infinite playback. Lastly, the app also offers support for most of the widely-used music editing software available nowadays, which is vital if you want to take your recordings to the next level or simply want to refine them further.
A voice-controlled music sequencer app definitely puts to shame a lot of even the most popular music creation and editing apps in the Play Store. With this feature alone, Hum a Hit is already able to trump majority of them as well as other dictaphone apps, which only ever provide limited features compared to it. What more if the instrument rendering and built-in sequencer capabilities of this app would be considered as well? Additionally, the app is still being developed and refined consistently with newer, more optimized features, assuring users that they certainly still have plenty to look forward to in the future.
The fact that the app is well-aware of the arbitrariness of inspiration should convince any musician that this is one app that’s worthy of inclusion into one’s collection of tools for music creation. It readily crystallizes your idea for you, and many adept musicians would agree that this is especially helpful in developing a potential masterpiece.
Price: £0.99
Features of the App
Ease of Use
User Interface
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