This is one of the most amazing and exciting kid’s apps that I have ever seen. There is a story and also a bunch of games in it . I would say, this is definitely worth it. This is an adventure story about the dreams of a “little chinchilla” that become reality.
The story goes like this, “Undoda” is a little “chinchilla” living on the Island Of “Rapa Nui”, like other chinchilla’s of his age, Undoda also dreams of an adventure in his life. His dad Professor. Ponto is very strict and makes sure that Undoda gets all the necessary education he needs. This brings in our adventure through the door, Ponto gives Undoda a book called “the Book of was” which holds the mysteries of the island.
Being the little inquisitive chinchilla that he is, wanted to explore the island and builds himself a little flying devices and flies aways in search of adventure. But to his bad luck he crashes on an island finding himself alone, without a clue of getting back home.
Here he meets a little birdy named “Amira”, and they two work together to find her friends and a way for Undoda to get home. In the mean while they discover, that the people on land are in deep trouble with the evil birds of the sky.
Here comes to play, Undoda’s gifts of seeing the world in reverse which helps save the world. Well you’ll have to get into the app to see how Undoda and his friend Amira and the F.L.O.C save the world.
Well that’s not all, you have three wonderful and interesting games as well, they are Multi match, Minds Maze, and Flight Spell that keep you intrigued. So read on and have fun. Hope you enjoy.
Price: $1.99
Rating: 4/5
One Response to “Undoda – Children’s Storybook and Multimind Games App Review”
April 28, 2011
iPadAppGuyVery cool. I'm headed to the app store to check this one out!