Xunami Concept
Creating the perfect marketing videos is an essential concern for businesses, as a killer campaign is usually the difference between standing out from the competition and drowning in a vast sea of alternatives. In a bid to create the right kind of videos, businesses often turn to professional videographers whose services cost a ton of money. The Xunami app alleviates the need for you to seek the services of an expert, providing a comprehensive tool and guide that allows you to create appealing videos from scratch. It’ll help you out with video ideas if you are short on concepts, as well as professional editing, teleprompter assistance, and scripting. Xunami reaches into your mind and pulls out your marketing ideas, implementing them down to a tee!
Features of the app
Available for both Android and iOS devices, Xunami gives users the following functionalities:
- More than 100 video templates to choose from encompassing upwards of eight industries.
- A compilation of sample videos to give you ideas regarding your marketing
- Professional editing support for a tenth of regular videography costs. That encompasses the addition of text, music, graphics, and other accents to spruce up your video.
- Get a well-crafted, expert video in under 72 hours of submission.
- Lovely UI that screams elegance without being complicated.
How it works
You’ll need to choose your industry from the home page, after which a compilation of niche-specific video templates appears on your screen. You have the option to sample example videos to get an idea on how to best mold your marketing campaign.
Once you’re through with that, the next step is script creation. Here you can choose to key in a script from nothing or use a pre-written version that you can fine-tune to your liking. You can then record your message via the aid of a teleprompter, and submit the recording to editors on the other end of the app. These skilled videographers will then polish up your video to make it market-ready by throwing in branding accents, music, and animations, among others.
Why it’s unlike any other
Xunami breaks down the complexities of video marketing, ensuring a tool that both technical and non-technical users can use with ease. It comes with numerous pre-recorded ideas, thereby saving you time if you aren’t feeling too creative. It stands out from its counterparts due to its immense options and also because of the professional videography editing services which come at a fraction of what you’d typically pay. Xunami is an excellent videography aid for any business looking to improve its video marketing efforts without paying through the nose!
Price: Free

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