Attain Perfect Sight with the Help of This Proven eyesight Correcting System Have you worn corrective lenses for a long time now? If you’d rather be without glasses, you’re probably looking for ways to correct your eyesight permanently. If so, you should definitely take the time to read and be acquainted with this iOS app titled Sniper Sight. This is especially true if your poor eyesight is the result of various eye conditions.
The app is generally an educational and informative platform inspired by the eyesight correcting system that was developed by a certain Dr. Horatio Bates. As you launch the app, you will immediately be asked what your specific condition is. Do you happen to have cataracts and glaucoma or is it something more benign like nearsightedness or eye strain?
SniperSight has a specific technique that it would teach you in order to address the eye issues that it has listed. Once you tap on one, the app would generously give you a little more background information about that certain condition. The app gives very invaluable information, to say the least, as it provides the user with explanations angled on an eye expert’s point of view.
The user is encouraged to read the said information till the end as it would surely help him better understand how his condition affects his eyesight and why the techniques that follow would effectively correct it. If you’d prefer to skip right to the technique, then just tap on the Straight to Technique button to learn about it.
The techniques usually involve doing eye exercises in precise order. Actions, for example, involve blinking frequently or swaying the eyes. Others involve reading the built-in Snellen Chart or use your own (as the app would normally ask you to stand at a certain distance as you read the said chart). It’s imperative that you follow each of the instructions in order to really do the techniques properly and see the desired results.
The interface is very simple and to-the-point and is what you’d expect from an app that is focused on educating and instructing its users. What it lacks in grandiose design it more than makes up for in the plethora of information you can get from it.
The fact that it is able to cover practically the most common eye disorders that affect people makes it a must-have if you are suffering from any kind of eye disorder. It also readily belies just how much the information that can be gleaned from this app comes directly from eye experts who really know how to treat eye disorders without the help of glasses. And these are the very aspects that make SniperSight highly original.
Price: $ 4.99
Features of the App
Ease of Use
Ease of Use
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