A lot of us tend to take our sense of hearing for granted. Many of us tend to listen to our favorite music with the volume in full blast or without the proper settings in place. If you’ve been guilty of doing this, what would your reaction be if you found out that every individual actually has different senses of hearing? Furthermore, the fact that we have dissimilar auditory aspects means that we also have entirely different ways to care for it.
TSC (short for Threshold Sound Conditioning) technology would be able to excise all your worries for of harming your hearing ability for good because it functions as a proactive equalizer that monitors a user’s present hearing condition and actively adjusts and balances itself based on the music that you are currently listening to.
Its main functionality hinges on its equalizer features. Both left and right adjustments may be made in the same, traditional way that an equalizer functions, but with its Active EQ feature, you can always be certain that you won’t have to manually adjust the settings for any piece of music you’re presently hearing. It’s for this reason why the app proudly claims that it’s able to create the perfect sound for its users.
Sound level (represented in hertz and decibel) would be revealed to you and you only need to tap on Start to begin listening to your chosen music rendered by TSC technology. The charts and graphs that the app also freely makes serve as a great reference for your current hearing condition. The stats range from how long you’ve used the app to your current sound level as well as the index that is frequently used by both your left and right ears. Lastly, the app also supports smooth integration of various popular platforms (like Youtube, SoundCloud, and Spotify) from which users tend to listen to music.
An equalizer app that has an innovative feature that is able to intelligently create the perfect sound every time is certainly unprecedented. This function is only ever found in the most advanced equalizers at present, making this the aspect of the app that makes it entirely unique compared to other equalizer apps available at present.
Not a lot of apps can also boast of actually offering a benefit that would make it a safer option to most users in general. For the spectacular way in which this app is able to improve your ability to hear, it’s certainly worth recommending especially if you use your mobile device to regularly listen to music.
Price: Free
Features of the App
Ease of Use
User Interface
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