New York, New York – Conde Nast Independent Magazines from South Africa, which publishes three leading media brands; GQ, GLAMOUR and House & Garden, partners with Magzter, the world’s largest digital magazine newsstand, to increase its digital reader base across the globe.
Conde Nast is known for publishing best-selling magazines across the globe, and Magzter already has the US, Indian, German, Mexican, Russian and Chinese editions of Conde Nast magazines in its catalogue.
GQ South Africa is the first and last word on men’s style. Whether it’s fashion, tech, business, Hollywood or investigative journalism, GQ covers it all with intelligence and imagination. This monthly magazine is priced at $20.99 (USD) for an annual subscription on Magzter. GQ magazine from the US, India, Thailand, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Mexico, Australia and China are also available on Magzter.
GLAMOUR South Africa is big on style, big on gloss, big on success – and designed to fit into the lifestyle of the confident modern woman. This monthly magazine is priced at $15.99 (USD) for an annual subscription on Magzter. GLAMOUR magazine from the US, Germany, Russia and Mexico are also available on Magzter.
Conde Nast House & Garden has positioned itself as South Africa’s premier luxury lifestyle magazine in the last 19 years. Through its polished and accomplished editorial environment, the magazine provides inspiration, direction and hard working information for readers who want to achieve the best possible lifestyle standard. This monthly magazine is priced at $23.99 (USD) for an annual subscription on Magzter.
“Conde Nast Independent Magazines is excited to partner with Magzter in growing the digital distribution of our publications. Magzter is one of the fastest growing digital platforms and we are confident that the association will help us grow our audience.” – Bertina Ellis, Subscriptions Sales Manager, Conde Nast Independent Magazines – South Africa
“We’re delighted to be sharing a great rapport with the Conde Nast brand over the years, and it gives us immense pleasure to welcome its South African arm to Magzter. For over two decades, Conde Nast Independent Magazines has been engaging millions of South African readers with its compelling titles, and they are now all set to reach Magzter’s 35 million readers across the globe.” – Girish Ramdas, CEO, Magzter Inc.
“Conde Nast Independent Magazines brings world-renowned lifestyle magazine brands like GQ and GLAMOUR to fashionistas in South Africa. With South Africa being one of the important hubs in the global fashion arena, we’re happy to provide digital wings to these magazines, which in turn will propagate the latest South African fashion trends to global audience.” – Vijay Radhakrishnan, President, Magzter Inc.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* 48.1 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Magzter – Digital Magazine Newsstand 6.14 is free (with in-app purchases) and available worldwide through the App Store in the News category. The Magzter app is also available on the web, Google Play, Amazon App Store, Kindle Fire and is expanding to more platforms soon. Magzter’s easy purchase and renewal systems ensure subscriptions are paid on time, eliminating the need for paper checks and postal mail issues. Users can buy their magazines on any of the above devices/platforms and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices, a feature unique to Magzter.
Magzter – Digital Magazine Newsstand 6.14
Condé Nast Independent Magazines
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Magzter is the world’s largest and fastest growing global digital magazine newsstand with over 35 million digital consumers, more than 9,300 magazines from over 4,000 publishers. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has its local offices in London, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Cape Town, Chennai, Singapore and Tokyo and will soon be expanding to other countries. Founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan in June 2011, Magzter enables magazine publishers around the world to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global consumers. Powered by its proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(R), Magzter also enables their customers to publish interactive/audio-visual content in the magazine as it supports HTML5. Magzter launched Magzter GOLD subscription service to give digital readers unlimited access to thousands of magazines for a low monthly price. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2017 Magzter Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.
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