Mumbai, India – Cynapse is updating Numerics: the KPI dashboard app exclusively designed for the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and Apple Watch – with 2 new cloud service integrations, ChartMogul & Delighted and the most asked for custom data source – CSV files.
ChartMogul is a subscription analytics platform that brings in key subscription metrics from Stripe, iTunes Connect, Recurly, Braintree and more. With the new integration, Numerics customers can now create ChartMogul dashboards to monitor changes in their subscription business KPIs. The ChartMogul integration bundles 24 pre-designed KPI templates like ARR, MRR, Customer LTV, Customer Churn, metrics that are key to the success of a subscription business. Combining metrics from other integrations in Numerics like Appfigures and Chargify, mobile app developers and SaaS business owners can get a comprehensive view of their subscription business in a single dashboard.
Numerics v5.2 adds an integration for Delighted, a tool that makes it easy for businesses to run NPS surveys and gather feedback from customers in groups based on the sentiment of their response. It’s integration in Numerics helps customers monitor NPS feedback by tracking the NPS value or the number of people in the NPS groups based on sentiment, including Promoters, Passives & Detractors. With Delighted NPS dashboards in Numerics, business stakeholders always have access to numbers that help them measure customer satisfaction and predict business growth.
Numerics dashboards are designed to pull in metrics from different systems, in the cloud or from custom business software behind a firewall. Numerics 5.2 adds support for CSV files – the most widely adopted way by businesses to share and communicate custom data. Data exports from various third-party software support CSV files and since they can be updated programmatically, and consumed by users using Spreadsheet tools, the CSV format remains quite popular among business software users. The 9 unique CSV widget types let customers visualize business data in dashboards from CSV files; hosted internally on a LAN / VPN or on the Internet protected behind a login. The CSV widgets are all free to use with the app.
With these new sources, Numerics now integrates with 45 cloud services and custom data sources. Customers can choose to add any of the KPIs to their Apple Watch and keep track of their most wanted number using a watch face complication. Numerics dashboards can also be displayed on large screens on the Apple TV, enabling teams to stay focussed on the numbers that matter the most.
Device Requirements:
* iPhone 5s or later, iPod touch and Apple TV
* iPad 5th generation or later
* Requires iOS 11.0 or later
* 44.3 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Numerics 5.2 is Free (With In-App Purchases) and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Business category. The new version includes many performance improvements and fixes some bugs. A full list of What’s New in Numerics v5.2 is available on the App Store.
Numerics 5.2
More Information
Dashboards Integration for ChartMogul
Download from iTunes
Promo Image (ChartMogul, Delighted & CSV Dashboards with Numerics)
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Headquartered in Mumbai, India, Cynapse invents technology that applies to and benefits everyday life. Cynapse creates products that solve specific fundamental problems in the most beautiful and amazing way. Cynapse has successfully produced 10 products in its lifespan, focused in the areas of productivity and collaboration. Cynapse is the creator of open source Enterprise 2.0 software, provider of the realtime collaboration software and inventor of Numerics, Localscope and Phlo for the iOS and Mac platforms. Over 100,000 businesses and institutions and millions of users across the world benefit using Cynapse technology. Copyright (C) 2018 Cynapse. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
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