It’s always good to be reminded. Times can be good and times can be bad. Either way, every moment is worth a memoir. Thanks to the pin!Down app, it is easy to keep record of your day to day happenings, the places you have come upon and people you have met.
What is the pin!Down App?
A rather appealing contrivance to the eye, that’s what the app is. With visual effects fused with purely a efficient and integral platform, it works like no other. With this app, you can enjoy.
* Getting to “pin” on the map the places you have been to and the places you find really interesting
* Planning trips that you want to embark in the future
* Acquiring directions for places that you seek to visit
* Adding up photos and contacts that you have, pin them down and incorporate each of them to different places on the map
* Part of the enhancement is linking (i.e. at least 6 Photos) and part is linking and automatic syncing (i.e. for Contacts and Reminders )
Why pin!Down?
* If you use Contacts (if you use Reminders) then pin!Down can be used to link Photos, Contacts and Reminders AND keep Contacts and Reminders in sync with pin!Down
* If you like photo albums but don’t want to have lots of little albums, then pin!Down lets you save/update mini albums for your Contacts/saved locations
* You can also change/correct the address (and pin Location)
Create Wonderful Pins for Reminders:
The app allows you to take photos to create reminders and contacts that are rather unique and creative. This feature would really serve well if you want to have a quick flash of the things that you may have left forgotten and places that you may need to come back to in the near future.
For Maps – you get to see all your saved locations and from the map callout you can get directions or go to the details page which automatically shows you the photos (you can have at least 6 photos per pin), a countdown for your reminders (the countdown is for the most imminent reminder), the address and notes (and with one further touch you can view the contact with all its details)
Manage Your Information:
Edit or update your information anything it needs be. It can all be done in a single place. That way, you can have a clearer and more organized look of all important details, and get to share them with people anytime, anywhere.
Click to Share:
So, you’ve been to this really awesome Japanese resto where they serve sushi that can make the Gods love Earth and its people more. You’re too excited and just can’t wait to tell your friends about it. But, why wait? With the pin!Down iPhone app, you can simply take a picture of the place and share it on different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and alike.
Creating Reminders:
After sharing to friends, why not accompany them to that sushi place you’ve been really enamored to? However, you don’t have time just yet. Might as well make a reminder for when to bring them there. With pin!Down, it’s easy to create daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reminders. The best part is that the reminders can actually be incorporated with photos that you see fit.
On a nutshell, pin!Down for the iPhone is the ultimate tool to reminder you of wonderful places, events and people. What’s more? It’s free, so grab it for your own lovely pinning experience. Also, the price of the app has been reduced from $1.99 to $0.99!
Price: $0.99
Rating: 4/5
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