Automation is certainly one of the few game-changers that technology in these present times can readily offer. Ultimately, everyone should also be open to incorporating it into every applicable aspect of their daily lives, as it could really ease up anyone’s work schedule and give one more free time to do the things he loves. If you’re looking for an app that is able to do this for you, then you should certainly give Stringify a closer look. In fact, it could very well be the best example of how far Iot has penetrated the modern lifestyle of the men of today.
Much of its automation processes hinge on its Flows. With them, you would be able to perform daily, mundane tasks with minimal, if not no, intervention at all. They are called as such because they involve being able to do a series of activities with a single triggering action. Every new user would be given a set of pre-arranged Flows, which he has the option to choose to use from the outset. Take note, though, that Stringify actually works for gadgets (like Fitbit trackers, Philips Hue bulbs, Ring doorbells, and Ecobee thermostats, to name a few) and sensors that it only supports.
It’s not limited to physical equipment as well, as you can also pretty much automate any digital aspect of your daily life. Whether you intend to keep up with posts on social media like Facebook and Twitter or want to even perform math functions and text tasks automatically, know that Stringify would actually be able to provide you with tools to do just that.
For a full list of the supported devices, software, and sites in Stringify, you need only to refer to their official App Store page. As for how you can automate them, it usually involves setting up Flows, which the app would be more than willing to teach to you from the outset. Once you’ve set them up, know that the app also allows you to create shortcuts that only makes it possible for you to easily activate your Flows in a remote control-type of setup.
Stringify, if compared to other automation apps, certainly beats the competition with its more advanced and sophisticated automation capabilities. It is able to perform numerous, related actions with a single press of a button, which really serves to highlight the quality of this app. Overall, the app is very reliable, especially once you figure out how to set up Flows properly. The flexibility is there, which is undoubtedly a vital quality any automator should have.
Price: Free
Features of the App
Ease of Use
User Interface
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