In these times when online interaction is entering a more advanced phase, live communication via platforms mediums video calls are pretty much the preferred by majority of people. Simply put, nothing beats seeing the facial reaction of someone whom you are talking to in real time. We don’t want to have to wait; it really decreases the satisfaction and gravity of the reaction, especially if what you’ve shared needs that type of immediacy.
Well, with Reaction Cam, almost any type of media you choose to share through your iPhone would merit it with the real-time reaction it most certainly deserves. This is because it practically allows you to record the facial reaction of your friends via popular platforms like Twitter or Facebook. His face would be displayed on the lower left portion of your screen, and you would immediately see his reaction in real-time. Of course, you can record and save any reaction you like afterwards.
In fact, the recording aspect of the app actually belies its main purpose of being able to save and share, in turn, the reactions of your friends. That being said, Reaction Cam is more than just about viewing reactions in real-time. After all, you are even allowed to edit the reaction that you’ve recorded. Thanks to the built-in editor, you would be able to modify certain portions of the recording, and perform actions like Hide, Mute, Rotate, and Swap.
The app even has a nifty feature of being able to record reactions in-browser. This makes it possible for you to record reactions even if you are simply using your smartphone’s browser. You may even input the website of your choosing to directly go to it prior to starting your recording session. Besides this, the app is also proactive in sharing content (may it be photos or videos) that its users can readily react to, whether it comes from your camera roll or popular video-sharing social media platforms like Youtube.
In every recording session, besides the small window showing the face of the person you’re interacting with, there is also a button directly below the recording screen that indicates that you are presently recording and that you only need to tap it to start editing and saving. Lastly, there is even a Best of Reaction Cam portion, where you would certainly be able to gain access to the great content that the app has to offer.
Features such as the ability to record yourself, In-Browser recording, unique video content it shares, as well as the overall simplicity and user-friendliness of Reaction are what serve to make it a totally unique app for recording people’s reactions online.
Price: Free
Features of the App
Ease of Use
User Interface
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